Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Letter to You

Hello, dear friends!

This morning, I opened my Member Manage Site and found that we already have had 3,214 affiliate members so far, which makes me feel the motivation of my work.

I’ve been in Wholesale Affiliate Program for a long time. I am witnessing the number of the affiliate ID becomes bigger and bigger in a short span of 8 months, and that gives me a feeling that we have been in touch with so many friends all around the world, which makes me so happy.

I know that many people worry about the risk and cost joining our affiliate program. I was worry about that, too. At the very beginning, I felt anxious that the reward for our members would be too little to pay back their dedication, including time and efforts. However, a month pased, almost all members that have made their efforts to do this “part-time job” got what they deserved. Some members even got about $1,000 a month. I was really happy for them at that time.

Now, I am not worrying about that any more. Because I know, as long as our members do make efforts to do this affiliate job with their hearts, God will pay them what belongs to them.

I am not lying that this affiliate program is a win-win strategy. We offer goods and service, and our members provide promotion paths. We and our affiliate members are perfect partners to creat a mutual beneficial prospect.

Here, I truly hope that more and more people will join the big family of Wholesale Affiliate Program. It’s good for us, and for you.

We are all waiting for you~ 


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